Beomaster 2000 Type 2801 Electronics service kit, capacitors, trimmers


SKU: SK-014 Category:


Service kit for Bang & Olufsen Beomaster 2000 type 2801.

This kit is for the trained tech or skilled DIY person about to do a complete restoration job to one of the above mentioned classic design receivers.

Basically, this kit takes care of the vast majority of components prone to failure due to aging.

Included in the kit:

– All board-mounted electrolytic capacitors, including the two large power supply filter capacitors.
– All tantal capacitors
– All adjustment trimmers
– New rectifier for preamplifier/tuner

This kit contains factory fresh high-quality components, Panasonic, WOPO, Piher etc.
Every component in the kit has been carefully selected for its specific position in the circuit to
ensure reliability and long component life while preserving the correct warm vintage sound.

The original capacitors have a limited life-span, and even if the vast majority of the original components fitted by Bang & Olufsen proved to be of a very high quality, providing surprisingly good performance for decades, they are all now more than 40 years old.
If not already replaced it’s safe to say that all Beomasters of the above mentioned types would benefit from having their filter capacitors replaced by now.

Custom manufactured exclusively for Danish Sound Parts the new power supply filter capacitors are slit-foil type electrolytic
capacitors. They are a solder lug type which means, that they will need glueing to the PCB for physical stability and leads run from their lugs to the PCB. See photos in the gallery for reference.

Slit-foil electrolytics is the absolute best choice for hardworking areas like power supplies in HiFi products where every detail counts in every part of the product, so slit-foil capacitors is the obvious choice for the filtering job in the above mentioned models.

The slit-foil construction eliminates the eddy currents forming on the foil surfaces of conventional capacitors.
This means less loss and better response.
It also means, that these capacitors are not just replacements. They are in fact improvements.
Further to this, the new capacitors maximum voltage rating was upgraded a little from 35V to 50V and their capacitance was increased a little as well, to 5600uF, allowing a bit more head-room and a healthy increase in expected lifespan.

Component location charts can be downloaded in pdf-format using link(s) provided in the order confirmation email.

Basic electronic knowledge, skills, tools and instruments is required to replace the components in this kit.
A servicemanual for your exact type of unit is also required for alignment references etc.

An amount of high quality solder is needed for this job. Go here to find it.


Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg