Pulley for threaded carriage shaft Beogram 4000


SKU: MP-011 Category:


New spindle pulley for the motor-driven carriage transport in tangential Beogram models having a threaded shaft with a diameter of apprx. 2,8-3mm measured where the pulley is to be fitted.
Will also fit models with a treaded shaft having a “half-moon” cut-out.

The original part is known to break and work lose or fall off entirely.
This new part was manufactured in aluminium and has the correct groove shape for the original triangular (wedge-shaped) belt.

Includes mounting screw (Hex/Unbraco 1.5mm metric), small matching tool for fitting and two fiber washers for aligning sideways position in relation to servo motor pulley (some decks need one washer, some two, others none) – see gallery photos.

Original threaded shafts vary slightly. If the new wheel wobbles sideways when running, try fitting it so that the grub screw does not go in on the flat part of the half-moon cutout but instead on the circular part. Both situations are shown in the gallery photos.

This is a direct replacement for original Bang & Olufsen part# 2722008
